Mattole Wildlands Defense

Mattole Wildlands Defenders carry the torch of over 7 years of non-violent direct action in defense of the Oldgrowth Forests in the headwaters of the NF Mattole River. The Maxxam corporation has bankrupted Pacific Lumber and the future of this land is uncertain. Around 2,000 acres of the oldgrowth forest remains here. To get involved or help call- 707-834-3100. or write: P.O. Box 4803 Arcata, Ca 95521

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wild Mattole River Salmon Dying as the Headwaters Dry Up

The Eureka Reporter article below details the water crisis in the Mattole River Headwaters. Incredibly large amounts of money are made each year in this area (you know what I mean). The plants are being grown with this water. Please give back to the river by whatever means you can, for the sake of the river and all of our future.

"To report trapped fish, phone Michelle Gilroy of the Department of Fish and Game at 707-441-5791."

Flows remain lowest on record for Mattole

Published: Sep 29 2008, 10:32 PM · Updated: Sep 29 2008, 10:34 PM

This summer continues to mark the single lowest flow year on record for the Mattole River, according to a news release from Sanctuary Forest.

The organization based this on data from U.S. Geological Survey flow gauges in Petrolia and Ettersburg, as well as Sanctuary Forest’s flow monitoring in the Whitethorn area.

“The Mattole River watershed remains in uncharted territory with this record-setting dry season,” the release stated.

Two weeks ago, the Mattole stopped flowing entirely at its headwaters, as measured upstream of Bridge Creek, according to the release.

As of Wednesday, the situation had not changed, with zero measurable stream flow found at most monitoring spots in the headwaters.

Flows at Petrolia and Ettersburg, after rising following the Sept. 19 rainfall, have now fallen back below the lowest measurements ever recorded in any previous year, the release stated.

With the headwaters broken up into isolated pools, juvenile salmon are being left exposed and stranded and creeks are drying up, according to the release.

“This drying up pattern is not only more severe than we have ever seen, but is also occurring two to three weeks earlier than in the recent lowest flow years — challenging residents to endure a longer dry season than many were prepared for,” the release stated.

“The Mattole water crisis is causing hardship for more members of our community every day, as most residents depend directly on the river, creeks and springs for all their water. Yet it is our native salmon that will likely bear the brunt, unless we do everything possible now to stop or reduce water use,” the release stated.

Sanctuary Forest asks that residents flush less, bathe less, fix leaks, and let lawns and gardens go brown until the rains come.

“Pumping when flows have essentially stopped can quickly drain those pools where fish are surviving, so if you must pump, do so for shorter times at slower rates; slow your pump down by restricting the discharge with a valve,” the release stated.

To report trapped fish, phone Michelle Gilroy of the Department of Fish and Game at 707-441-5791.

For more information, visit


Blogger Eric V. Kirk said...

How about an update?

9:07 PM  

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