Mattole Wildlands Defense

Mattole Wildlands Defenders carry the torch of over 7 years of non-violent direct action in defense of the Oldgrowth Forests in the headwaters of the NF Mattole River. The Maxxam corporation has bankrupted Pacific Lumber and the future of this land is uncertain. Around 2,000 acres of the oldgrowth forest remains here. To get involved or help call- 707-834-3100. or write: P.O. Box 4803 Arcata, Ca 95521

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Summer Update

- Maxxam/PL's Mattole Watershed Analysis Timeframe Extended
- Map Update

Mattole Watershed Analysis
According to the most recent Mattole Restoration Council newsletter, Pacific Lumber's Watershed Analysis data is incomplete. The analyisis will require more surveys and negotiations and will continue "through the fall". So far, Pacific Lumber has not filed any new logging plans in the Mattole River Watershed but they have carried out herbicide "application" on hundreds of acres of forestland.

Both stumps and standing hardwood trees are killed in order to reduce competition for the commercial softwood seedlings planted by the company. This in effect turns the logged forest into a tree plantation.

July North Fork Map Update
click on the map to view larger version.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Forest Pictures and Links

An Oldgrowth Douglas Fir in an untouched area above Alwardt Creek.

Stump in a clearcut on the opposite side of Alwardt Creek. 335 Years Old.

A Mattole Defender surveys the same clearcut.

Long Slideshow
Activities in April
Pics From May

More Pictures
Skillshare Camp at the Mouth of the Mattole
Oldgrowth Hardwoods