Focused Effort to Document the Forest
[click on the map for a close-up view]
Latest Map Update
This map (produced by Mattole Wildlands Defense) shows the roughly 2,000 acres of Oldgrowth Douglas Fir forest on Pacific Lumber land in the North Fork Mattole River drainage. This map is periodically updated as more information comes to light through research and field surveys.
Stealthy Field Surveys
Since this forest is held by a private corporation, forest defenders take a risk by hiking 12 to 16 miles on roads and cross-country just to reach this remote area. After this we hike nearly every day visiting different areas in the North Fork Mattole drainage. We take pictures, write down observations, work on maps and make GPS waypoints.
More Focused Documentation Effort
Recently there has been a more focused effort to document the current conditions of the N. F. Mattole ecosystem. Over the last 5 years, information on the amount and types of forest remaining and other changes to the landscape has been hard to come by. Some clearcut and "rehab" logged areas have been sprayed with herbicide to kill the Oak and Madrone trees which compete with the more profitable conifers. The exact acreage of land that has been sprayed is unknown. Through field surveys and other forms of investigation we are working to shed more light on this and other issues.