Mission StatementThe Mattole Wildlands Defenders carry the torch of over 6 years of non-violent direct action in defense of the Oldgrowth Forests in the Rainbow Ridge area of the Mattole River Watershed. We also continue in our outreach and information spreading efforts. We seek the long-term preservation of the health of this ecosystem.
Biggest threats to this area1. Irresponsible logging practices including;
• clearcutting
• oldgrowth logging
• herbicide spraying
• logging and road building on unstable slopes.
Among the detrimental effects of this logging are; a loss of endangered species habitat, the threat of mass erosion and the creation of a buildup of flammable dead wood.
2. Pacific Lumber ‘s attempt to convince regulatory agencies to let them log closer to watercourses than is currently allowed.
3. Subdivision, sale and development of timber land and large ranches.
Current Campaign Rainbow Ridge- The defense of over 2,000 acres of upland Oldgrowth Douglas Fir and hardwood forest on Pacific Lumber holdings in the North Fork of the Mattole River.
Our Action StrategyMonitor- Document forest and landscape conditions throughout the area. Identify areas at risk of immanent logging. Watch for signs of logging and related activity. Monitor happenings within regulatory agencies. Document wildlife.
Defend- Take non-violent direct action to prevent irresponsible logging activity in this region.
Restore- Identify erosion sites caused by human activity and use appropriate restoration techniques starting at the top of the drainage. Replant native species in areas disturbed by logging. Restoration will be done during periods of low logging activity.